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With a rich history dating back more than 300 years, Greenville embraces its distinct Carolina culture. More than $661 million of private and public money has been invested in the Downtown Greenville district since 2010. Area businesses, breweries, theaters, entertainment venues, cool new restaurants, and much more have also been popping up.


美食是北卡罗来纳州东部的核心和灵魂。格林维尔拥有众多屡获殊荣的餐厅和厨师。从皮特县酿酒和烧烤小径(Pitt County Brew & 'Cue Trail)沿途的传奇烧烤店和手工酿酒厂,到每年雨伞市场(Umbrella Market)系列活动中的餐车和当地农民。此外,还有有趣的季节性酒吧和时尚咖啡馆,可以满足您对咖啡、蛋酒、纸杯蛋糕和华夫饼的渴望。


Residents and visitors alike revel in everything from the annual Pirate Fest, which draws swashbucklers of all ages to several municipality events including the annual Collard Festival in Ayden and Dogwood Festival in Farmville. There are top-notch dance and stage performances at ECU; a lively art and music scene in the Downtown and Dickinson Avenue Arts District; antique shops and boutiques for browsing; historic sites for history buffs; and pick-your-own farms aplenty.


格林维尔毗邻海岸,从格林维尔驱车 90 分钟至两小时即可到达许多公共海滩入口,从著名的外滩和迷人的奥克拉科克岛到迷人的水晶海岸和悠闲的托普赛尔岛,应有尽有。对于划船爱好者来说,这里有数十个船坞,可以在塔河、帕姆利科河、纽斯河和大西洋沿岸水道等水域下水。

"北卡罗来纳州格林维尔市的生活质量和经济实惠的生活成本为我们 Grover Gaming 公司提供了令人难以置信的招聘工具。程序员、开发人员、软件工程师和艺术家越来越渴望离开'大城市',到北卡罗来纳州东部定居。